Thursday, September 27, 2018

Essay question: Can you give at least 3 purposes of commercial radio using detailed examples.

During the course of this essay I will be listing three crucial purposes of the use of commercial radio referring to various sources as "detailed examples". I will also be making reference to various radio stations such as, Capital and Kiss FM, to support my points.

Commercial radio stations are the names given to various radio stations that are able to generate revenue through jingles, Sport headlines and even company support. Most radio stations also enable companies to advertise their companies to their audiences via radio stations and can potentially give off the same, effect as that of a television advert. However their general purpose is to broadcast music to build a fan base, of listeners. To do this Commercial radios always provide audiences with main stream music meaning that, listeners from everywhere will be able to consume that specific type of music whether they as an audience are the Primary, or Secondary audiences.

Another main purpose that Commercial radio stations have are to simply inform their viewers about the things that go on with their very own news stations, each commercial radio service has one that allows the presenters on the radio show to help their audiences catch up on the latest news. By doing so the audience are able to consume this data as either entertainment or information. Primary audiences would be people who are interested in those specific topics and secondary audiences could be potential first time listeners. Examples of Radio stations that broadcast news are, Kiss FM and also Heart Radio.

*They have also got the purpose of advertising and selling new ideas an example of this can simply be that some commercial radio stations tend to advertise events and such to the public for them to take part in and join. They are known to often do it on their own accord or they may choose to do it on a big stage at a concert with partnerships, to generate ad revenue and profit, companies like Capital have done this in the past, when they asked stars to come and perform on their main concert stage. This was mainly done to attract audiences and also make it so that they were engaging newer audiences to take part within the event so that new music could be consumed by newer listeners. Furthermore organizations use ticket prices varying on the amount of people attending or the quality of the stars performing at the event. Meaning that they are able to generate more revenue by doing so.

In conclusion.I have found that Commercial radio companies are mainly known to be used for generating ad revenue in order to assist the company in working more and to do this ,they go about using various methods to mainly entertain their fans and potentially bring in third parties to the audience of people that listen to the radio station.

*Robert Morello. (2018). How do radio stations make a profit. Available: Last accessed 25/09/2018.

 Reference information taken from:(Sunil Saxena. (2014). Commercial radio. Available: Last accessed 24th September 2018).

1 comment:

  1. Very good effort and good use of citing your work , I can see you have tried to utilise this here. Your essay format/layout is also very well done and shows you have paid attention in class, well done! You are on the right track with most of the purposes. All purposes relate to raising revenue however, make sure you do your research with components I.e. advertising and how it actually makes the stations money. Main purposes: advertising, seasonal awareness, events, sponsorships, selling newscasts, syndication. Have a look at week 4 on the blog for extensive coverage.


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