Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Looking for adverts for the following topics:
Samsung Galaxy S10
Sonic (Sega Genesis advert)

80’s Radio Shack Colour Computer commercial 

Healthy snack bar:

Go Ahead! (2000s)
Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars ad 1995.
Marathon- Extra Peanuts-1981-UK Advert.

Soft drinks: 
n Pepsi Advert “OK” 
n Pepsi Ad Michael Jackson
n 83 commercials

Homework 6 Media Research (Harry)
1.   How to become a Media Researcher?
There are many ways in becoming a media researcher these paths include: 
n  university Course.
n  college courses. 
n Apprenticeships.
n Working for the role by working towards it.
n The possibility of applying for the job.
n Training with someone professional and understanding what work goes in to the job. 

2.   What does it take? 

-      As a media researcher you will need a list of skills and knowledge in order to carry out the job. These include the following. 

n Having knowledge of English as a spoken language.
n Thinking skills that require some form of analysis in what you may be researching. 
n Having the ability to pay attention to detail, even noticing the smallest, of details and showing that in your research.
n Having communication skills and feeling confident when dealing with clients in order to get your messages across and being able to handle set situations, that may arise. 
n More importantly having the drive and passion in order to succeed for a motivational push, or else you may feel like you have nothing to work for.

3.   What will you do?

-      In a day to day basis you will be tasked to do an array of tasks to maintain your job that may include discussing programme ideas with a producer, to help boost their thinking. You may also be asked to look deep into libraries as well as archives, that may aid you in any further research. Writing information for any legal bodies including things such as copyright guidelines. 

4.   Career paths
-      It’s important to know what career paths someone could go into whilst doing this, as it opens a wide variety of options to the person. These could include, Supervising a research team,  and move into something bigger that could see you writing, producing or even directing, a piece of work. 

Uknown, U. (2019). Media researcher | Explore careers. [online] Nationalcareers.service.gov.uk. Available at: https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/job-profiles/media-researcher#Skills [Accessed 18 Mar. 2019].

Monday, March 4, 2019


-Proposal: The proposal is the document that is written up by the production company as the initial ideas, and is seen as a "plan of action" for the company as they move forward, into executing their plans. 

-Treatment: This is the name of the document that is written up by the production company that gives the client a good idea of what may appear on screen as well as what the audience will hear, on the music video. 

-Storyboard: This is the the planning document that envisions, what the music video will play out to be a visual script that is followed. 

-Call Sheet: An overall document that goes over all the feats that have been accomplished by the group and also what they had done.  Works as a form of contingency as well

Looking for adverts for the following topics: Gadgets:  Samsung Galaxy S10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbQZ0Mrpp80 Sonic (Sega ...