Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Semiotics homework

HWK Semiotics
 1. The two linguistic philosophers the term originates from a greek term that means "observant signs" and was used as an English term by Henry Stubbes, the creator of the word was a Swiss linguist, "Ferdinand de Saussure". Pierce is the second. 

2. Roland Bathes is the French structuralist that enforced the idea of semiotics in the 1960's

3a.  The two particular methods include Denotation and Connotations (this is to do with a meaning as to what something implies). Also the use of Anchorage is also used within this type of analysis.


4. meaning that the heart of experience is to do with the amount of experience as a human someone may gain .

5. Importance on the role of the reader, in an open or closed text.

6. "Polysemic" is the tother term used when referring to open texts

7.  Open texts

8. Anchorage is the term for using words, logos to direct the reader to a meaning.

9. Preferred meaning

10. (a) Dominant- Is when the reader accepts the full preferred reading of the text.
      (b) Negotiated- Where the message of a message is adapted to a fit a specific social role.
      (c) Oppositional- Where dominant reading is contested.

11. "Point Of View" this simply means that films use various forms of "language" within that specified text to communicate with the audience.

12. The use of camera shots in a sexist manner to benefit the male audience.

13. The study of signs their roles and also the construction of meaning.
a. They can be used in the music video as signs as well as various meanings can be put in place whether it be with lyrics actions, signs, all for interpretation, and as a means of communication with the audience.

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