Monday, October 8, 2018

TASK:Symbolism in movies
For this task I was asked to watch a movie of my choice and then make analyse the following:
- Colours 
- Actors
- The Mis-En-Scene (props, lighting, costumes codes and conventions of a movie).

The movie I have chosen to analyse is Mission Impossible Fallout (2018).  The base genre of the film is action however spy works as a sub genre making the movie a spy action movie. It's evident within the movie that the movie is a spy-action film. This is because of the codes and conventions that are featured within the film.  It's mainly evident through action scenes and car chases as well as a helicopter chase sequence with explosions. Furthermore the narrative or plot of the film is similar to the formula that is "recycled" by producers and Directors, when they may make an action film, and by also taking adaptations and then applying them to their films. 

For example the colour that is mainly featured throughout the duration of the film, is black. This is particularly because it enforces the stereotype of, stealth (which is a basic feat of being a spy). It's obvious that most if not all characters will end up wearing some form of black to enforce the stereotypes that spy's are supposedly working "underground", and undercover to hide the fact that their doing anything dangerous.  Red is also a prominent colour mainly featured in this particular genre of film. The red in this sense is to connote blood or death of characters as there are many death 

In terms of actors the lead or protagonist, is played by Tom Cruise  (plays the character Ethan Hunt),  The character portrayed by Tom Cruise matches the genre and the theme of the movie franchise to be secretive and outgoing. To audiences Ethan Hunt is regarded as the embodiment of the Mission Impossible Franchise. 

Mis En Scene helps us as the audience to identify the essentials of a movie identify it as whatever genre it is. This is evident within Mission Impossible, as for the Mis-En-Scene, there are props such as guns, technology, cars, and weapons like knives. Furthermore there's mostly two organisations that are always associated with the plot. These codes and conventions help the audience identify the main genre to be an action movie with spy elements. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

What Have I learnt?
Over the course I have learnt different aspect of Media that I haven’t known before however this specific unit I have learnt mainly the fundamentals of Genres, I also learnt about the 10 sectors of Media and also things I should look for when making a Music Video. 
10 sectors-
The following are the 10 main sectors in media that should relate when creating a media product:
1-      Radio
2-      Television
3-      Film
4-      Publishing
5-      Video Games
6-      Interactive media (Apps)
7-      Papers and Magazines (Press)
8-      Animation
9-      Advertising and Marketing
10-   Media photo image.

I also have learnt that there are three main stages of Media production the three main stages are:
·         Pre Production
·         Pro Production
·         Post Production
I had mainly learnt that the word means type in French and that Genre was to mainly categorize markets so that people are able to consume it. 

I have also learnt that within genre there are many types of sub genres that branch off the original genre, for example Horror, Thriller. Furthermore I have also learnt about Hybrid Synergy which is two or more, genres coming together to form one new genre in general.

In genre  I have also learnt of things such as Iconography, Cross-over genres and newer terms such as intertextuality. Which all play a part in mentioning that media texts have either crossed over with another one, or there have been instances where there have been references made to other media texts.

There are two types of main audience research for someone to know about, Primary, and Secondary audiences. Primary meaning that the content is mainly provided and aimed towards that specific group of people, or social class of people.  Secondary audiences are audiences that mainly come across the content and are being introduced to it for the first time for them to consume. That or they could be a different person to the original target audience.

I learnt about the Technical aspect of working in a Music Video as well by learning the term MESC.FX I was able to now identify the technical aspects of a music video the next time I analyse one.

- Mis-En-Scene (Props, codes and conventions that enforce a genre)
-Editing (The cuts and edits of the video if there were any).
-Sound (Non Digetic and Digetic sound including other things like backing tracks and original audio)
-Camera(Different shots used in a music Video).
-FX (Special effects implanted within the music video to make it look eye catching and enforce the thought of Audience gratification.)

As the course goes on I will be learning some more ideal fundamentals needed in media studies mentioned above were only some if the key aspects that I have fully understood as well as worked with.

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