Thursday, September 27, 2018

Essay question: Can you give at least 3 purposes of commercial radio using detailed examples.

During the course of this essay I will be listing three crucial purposes of the use of commercial radio referring to various sources as "detailed examples". I will also be making reference to various radio stations such as, Capital and Kiss FM, to support my points.

Commercial radio stations are the names given to various radio stations that are able to generate revenue through jingles, Sport headlines and even company support. Most radio stations also enable companies to advertise their companies to their audiences via radio stations and can potentially give off the same, effect as that of a television advert. However their general purpose is to broadcast music to build a fan base, of listeners. To do this Commercial radios always provide audiences with main stream music meaning that, listeners from everywhere will be able to consume that specific type of music whether they as an audience are the Primary, or Secondary audiences.

Another main purpose that Commercial radio stations have are to simply inform their viewers about the things that go on with their very own news stations, each commercial radio service has one that allows the presenters on the radio show to help their audiences catch up on the latest news. By doing so the audience are able to consume this data as either entertainment or information. Primary audiences would be people who are interested in those specific topics and secondary audiences could be potential first time listeners. Examples of Radio stations that broadcast news are, Kiss FM and also Heart Radio.

*They have also got the purpose of advertising and selling new ideas an example of this can simply be that some commercial radio stations tend to advertise events and such to the public for them to take part in and join. They are known to often do it on their own accord or they may choose to do it on a big stage at a concert with partnerships, to generate ad revenue and profit, companies like Capital have done this in the past, when they asked stars to come and perform on their main concert stage. This was mainly done to attract audiences and also make it so that they were engaging newer audiences to take part within the event so that new music could be consumed by newer listeners. Furthermore organizations use ticket prices varying on the amount of people attending or the quality of the stars performing at the event. Meaning that they are able to generate more revenue by doing so.

In conclusion.I have found that Commercial radio companies are mainly known to be used for generating ad revenue in order to assist the company in working more and to do this ,they go about using various methods to mainly entertain their fans and potentially bring in third parties to the audience of people that listen to the radio station.

*Robert Morello. (2018). How do radio stations make a profit. Available: Last accessed 25/09/2018.

 Reference information taken from:(Sunil Saxena. (2014). Commercial radio. Available: Last accessed 24th September 2018).

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


What does the term "Auter" mean in the world of film?

The term "Auter" is mainly given to the type of film director that, uses a signature style (whether that be using the same actors, themes or even settings and story) and consistently uses it when they produce and Direct films. To make themselves prominent they will 'recycle' old methods and aspects they have used before,and will henceforth reuse those in newer movies by implementing these formulas, and then using them to their advantage in hoping they can create a fan base with the primary audience, mainly consisting of consumers that are already familiar with the style of the Director. 

A name that may be recognised amongst many is the Director for the movies, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, and Beetlejuice, by the name of Tim Burton. However the question to many is "what exactly has Tim Burton done to show he has this signature style". First off Tim Burton is mainly known for casting Johnny Depp in his films examples of this are obvious in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (2005), and also the move Alice in Wonderland (2010), where Johnny Depp played the infamous role of the mad hatter.

Furthermore Tim Burton mainly uses similar themes and concepts with in his films, he is known for creating films of the unknown as well as having dark elements to it, making this a signature style for him, to be recognised by. For example it's most prominent in again In Alice in Wonderland where the story has the dark element of death, as well as Charlie and the chocolate Factory features Willy Wonka's dark story of his childhood. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Film Studies homework for the 17th

Task 1
Analytical Approaches to film
Genre analysis:
Genre is a term in French that means type. It's the term used to define the various types of media texts in post modernism and carries over to various media texts. There are also sub genres as well. Genres also give general indications to what audiences will expect in a movie or media text, for example the use of mis-en-scene. Like Star Wars has a genre of Sci-Fi. There are also Hybrid genres which is a movie that is made up of two or more genres and can be a mix to shape a completely new genre. An example of a Hybrid movie would be Logan as it has both the aspects of superheroes and also western factors alike. 

Content analysis:
Content is the term used in Media to describe the amount of things the audience as a whole can take in and in arts and can be expressed in different ways through various media texts. An example can be a film conveying a morale and meaning to the audience for them to learn from something. An example,  Fast and Furious has the main message that friends are important

Narrative analysis:
The term narrative in media  is another term for "storytelling" and is also used to define how a story or a plot flows in a Media text. For example A movie used is how Indiana Jones follows an Adventure type of narrative and also narratives also get audiences to expect what should come next in a movie.

Task 2

Reception study: Reception studies in media is the term mainly used to "survey" the ways in which audiences take in information from mass media. For example, how audiences take in information through a film.

Fan study: It's the name typically given to the method of research that specifically researchers find out  what fans want and also what makes them content with a form of media. An example would be institutes taking fan reviews and critiques so that they make the next iteration of the movie more suited to what fans are demanding, such as a character or certain soundtrack to be implemented in the next movie. Consumers normally use this method to raise their views from their fan base and also making it so that, the fans are happy overall.

Task 3

The film I have chosen is one of my most favourite films, I have chosen the Mission Impossible series  . The main Genre for the movie is Spy and the sub genre is action making it an spy action film  . I know this because It incorporates mis-en-scene and gives audiences what they want. For example audiences expect things like cars, action and chase sequences. Furthermore the use of props such as guns and explosives give away to the audience that the movie is of the genre. In terms of the content that is used with in the movie, it is mainly aimed to entertain an audience rather than educate or teach the audience something new. For audiences they can consider this type of content to be 'engaging'. Narrative wise the story follows the same formula in which a spy action film will follow, big agencies and the main character trying to bring in the bad guy who usually comes across as at first trust worthy but soon isn't, this soon hooks in the audience and also gives off the factors of "enigma codes" which are clues and questions the audience will have to figure out on there own. These sorts of things will hook in the audience as well. Things like the use of direct speech will make the consumer feel as if they are in the shoes of the character on screen. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

All About Me

My name is Ayaan and I'm 16 and a first year here at Coulsdon. I chose Media Studies because of the fact that I studied it at GCSE and managed to pass, as well as it is my passion and I wanted to continue it in the future. By studying the 60 credit course I feel as if I'll be able to improve and develop new skills to bring to the table in later years. The reason Media has gained my interest was mainly because it allows me to be myself and show my creative side as a person. On top of that I also like working with others and also learning new things. I have experience in animation both 3D and Sprite animations. Despite me being a Maths retake student, I did pass Media and some of my other GCSE's. Making it so that I was able to continue Media here. I'm the oldest of two younger brothers one aged 13 and the other aged 8. I live with both my parents who are willing to support me in whatever it is I do. 

In my spare time I usually animate in my spare time by either doing a Machinima animation or 2D animation (specifically Sprite animation). I also play games in my spare time as well which has worked out for me seeing as I play for a Pro Gaming Organisation by the name of EMP. I play Fighters specifically and also some shooters but I mainly love the game Tekken and the Super Smash Bros series as those were  the first games I was introduced to as a child. As my passion in gaming is great I have taken it to working in a Gaming Cafe in Croydon by the name of "The Heart Of Gaming". Although I only work a Voluntary job it's nice because there are people that I work with that I can relate to. Furthermore I have done a lot and am ready to give it my all in the next two years.

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