Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Looking for adverts for the following topics:
Samsung Galaxy S10
Sonic (Sega Genesis advert)

80’s Radio Shack Colour Computer commercial 

Healthy snack bar:

Go Ahead! (2000s)
Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars ad 1995.
Marathon- Extra Peanuts-1981-UK Advert.

Soft drinks: 
n Pepsi Advert “OK” 
n Pepsi Ad Michael Jackson
n 83 commercials

Homework 6 Media Research (Harry)
1.   How to become a Media Researcher?
There are many ways in becoming a media researcher these paths include: 
n  university Course.
n  college courses. 
n Apprenticeships.
n Working for the role by working towards it.
n The possibility of applying for the job.
n Training with someone professional and understanding what work goes in to the job. 

2.   What does it take? 

-      As a media researcher you will need a list of skills and knowledge in order to carry out the job. These include the following. 

n Having knowledge of English as a spoken language.
n Thinking skills that require some form of analysis in what you may be researching. 
n Having the ability to pay attention to detail, even noticing the smallest, of details and showing that in your research.
n Having communication skills and feeling confident when dealing with clients in order to get your messages across and being able to handle set situations, that may arise. 
n More importantly having the drive and passion in order to succeed for a motivational push, or else you may feel like you have nothing to work for.

3.   What will you do?

-      In a day to day basis you will be tasked to do an array of tasks to maintain your job that may include discussing programme ideas with a producer, to help boost their thinking. You may also be asked to look deep into libraries as well as archives, that may aid you in any further research. Writing information for any legal bodies including things such as copyright guidelines. 

4.   Career paths
-      It’s important to know what career paths someone could go into whilst doing this, as it opens a wide variety of options to the person. These could include, Supervising a research team,  and move into something bigger that could see you writing, producing or even directing, a piece of work. 

Uknown, U. (2019). Media researcher | Explore careers. [online] Nationalcareers.service.gov.uk. Available at: https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/job-profiles/media-researcher#Skills [Accessed 18 Mar. 2019].

Monday, March 4, 2019


-Proposal: The proposal is the document that is written up by the production company as the initial ideas, and is seen as a "plan of action" for the company as they move forward, into executing their plans. 

-Treatment: This is the name of the document that is written up by the production company that gives the client a good idea of what may appear on screen as well as what the audience will hear, on the music video. 

-Storyboard: This is the the planning document that envisions, what the music video will play out to be a visual script that is followed. 

-Call Sheet: An overall document that goes over all the feats that have been accomplished by the group and also what they had done.  Works as a form of contingency as well

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

        Assignment 26.2 Old Films to New 

Introduction:Films are often seen are loved by many around the world, all movies have satisfied their audiences in one way or another. However, there are some movies that are loved by many and, directors and old fans are able to spark excitement in again. These are known more commonly as a remake. Remakes have been an ongoing tradition since the late 1950’s. With loved movies have come sequels which are on-going stories. However, a remake differs from that, they take anything the fans love about the original and make the same movie again in a more modernised fashion to suit the current audience generation.  The story may seem similar however there are other significant changes such as character names, or locations. 

In this report I’ll be taking a look at, an original movie and its remake. I’ll be having a look at the relationship these movies as well as the producers share, furthermore to back up my statements as evidence I’ll be looking to use screenshots of each movie to back up my points. The movie I’ll be looking at is, The Karate kid which had saw its debut in the year of 1984, followed by two more movies, then in the year 2010 Karate kid saw its way back to screens as the remake of the original movie.

The original Karate kid, was released in the year of 1984 (as aforementioned), and was directed by John G. Avildsen, someone who was known for directing movies such as, the Rocky movies five and one, as well as Happy New Year (1987). As opposed to the 2010 remake, the producers of the movie included talent such as actor Will Smith, as well as producers Ken stovitz and Dany Wolf. There was also the use of international talent involved, as a Chinese producer also worked on the film the Chinese producer went by the name of, Haicheng Zhao and worked as a part of the China Film Group. Meaning there was a use of international co production that saw the US working with China to make this film. This shows that the movie was filmed in multiple locations whereas, the original movie has been filmed primarily in the US. The relationship between the producers of each film is unknown. 

Within each of the following films there are stars that have featured within the course of each film, following a similar storyline with differences within each remake. The most prominent of these changes would be the martial arts learnt by the main character, in the original it's evident that the protagonist in this movie (played by, Ralph Macchio) the martial art learnt is Karate, and in the remake or “reboot”, the protagonist (Jaden Smith), is seen learning Kung Fu in opposition to the original Karate Kid. The story of the original movie is as aforementioned filmed in the US primarily and follows the story of a boy, who's been bullied and taught Karate as a form of self defence. The remake in turn does the same thing in the sense that the storyline is the same however only a small remainder of the film is filmed in America whereas the rest is filmed in China. This is a good example of locations and international filming which brings more of a realistic feel to the movie's storyline. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Semiotics homework

HWK Semiotics
 1. The two linguistic philosophers the term originates from a greek term that means "observant signs" and was used as an English term by Henry Stubbes, the creator of the word was a Swiss linguist, "Ferdinand de Saussure". Pierce is the second. 

2. Roland Bathes is the French structuralist that enforced the idea of semiotics in the 1960's

3a.  The two particular methods include Denotation and Connotations (this is to do with a meaning as to what something implies). Also the use of Anchorage is also used within this type of analysis.


4. meaning that the heart of experience is to do with the amount of experience as a human someone may gain .

5. Importance on the role of the reader, in an open or closed text.

6. "Polysemic" is the tother term used when referring to open texts

7.  Open texts

8. Anchorage is the term for using words, logos to direct the reader to a meaning.

9. Preferred meaning

10. (a) Dominant- Is when the reader accepts the full preferred reading of the text.
      (b) Negotiated- Where the message of a message is adapted to a fit a specific social role.
      (c) Oppositional- Where dominant reading is contested.

11. "Point Of View" this simply means that films use various forms of "language" within that specified text to communicate with the audience.

12. The use of camera shots in a sexist manner to benefit the male audience.

13. The study of signs their roles and also the construction of meaning.
a. They can be used in the music video as signs as well as various meanings can be put in place whether it be with lyrics actions, signs, all for interpretation, and as a means of communication with the audience.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Throughout the course of this essay I will be looking at, how music videos use various styles and how the following music videos follow these specific styles as well as various techniques used within these music videos.

The first music video I have chosen is Eminem’s “Venom” (2018), this specific music video can be described as a “Illustrative or Interpretive” this also uses animation specifically the use of CGI, to simulate the Symbiote from the movie, meaning an element of animation is used. In the past this idea has been used before, an example of this would be the music video by “Massive attack, young Fathers”- Voodoo in my blood (2016). Which uses a similar CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) effect. Another example used further in the past is Bjork’s “hunter”, which used CGI as a face mask for the singer. Since then technology has advanced and the CGI is designed to look more realistic, a technique that’s now well associated with modern day movies, to make things look realistic. Furthermore, lighting has also improved and in comparison to the aforementioned example of “Hunter”, there is the use of more locations that make the music video more and more effective to the audience. The convention that this specific music video uses is Allusion, this is simply because the entire music video is used to promote the new Marvel movie, “Venom” (See Images).

The Music video also uses a chroma key effect which involves the characters having their, faces being overlapped by the artist’s face making the characters seem possessed by the artist.  (See image one). In terms of techniques that the music video uses, lip syncing is the most evident one as, the characters as well as the artist, are seen in the video to be mouthing the song’s lyrics. The camera angles used were mainly normal angles that use a tracking shot, that follow the characters as they lip sync to the music. High angles are used in the music videos to show the power the symbiote has over the characters. Furthermore lower angles are used for smaller objects for instance the dog in the music video, to show how small it is. This uses Allusion as well as the music video makes references to the characters, Eddie Brock, Venom and also make references to Marvel all through the use of lyrics. By doing this, not only has Marvel overall their movie promoted through  a big artist, also Eminem may have received more and more recognition as an artist as well as drawing a niche audience to listen to the music that he’s produced. Meaning that “Kamikaze and Venom” both are being promoted through the song the artist has produced meaning an audience will be drawn in that are more inclined to listen to the music.

The next music video that I will be analysing will be, “Good Guy” (2018) by Eminem, this particular music video uses the style of popular music genres. Furthermore, another style used in this music video is Narrative. This particular style has the audience involved within a story told within the music video. This particular music video uses many conventions mainly the use of Links to other artists and also “Extending or consolidating song’s meaning”. The music video follows each style as first off the video features artist, Jessie Reyez.  So it has links to other artists calling for further promotion, so the convention here is an allusion which means that there is another featured artist for more promotional material. Music videos like these have been made over the years and a common example would be the Disclosure album, “Caracal” which uses a narrative in the music video to tell a story just like this music video. In this video the use of red and dulled colours are to connote, danger, hate, and death (SEE IMAGE 1). whereas the greyish dull colour scheme used in this music video is to suggest, emptiness, depression and sorrow (See Image 2). Which does show throughout the music video in the form of the artist’s actions, and use of facial expressions to get emotions across more clearly. The music video does utilise many different shots including tracking shots with a steady cam as the characters move in the video. There are also low angled shots to connote power, between both artists.   The use of lyric interpretation is strong in this specific music video as it links to the theme of the song, which foreshadows the breaking up of the couple and the situations that both are going through. The use of far shots ( see IMAGE 2) is a clear representation of the artist that give the audience a full shot of the artist. The use
Of a tracking shot in the first scene of the video allows the audience to follow the story as if we were walking with the characters.

The final Music Video I’ll be having a look at is again by Eminem and is named “Without me” and was produced in the year 2002. This music video follows the style of, a pastiche/parody. These specific music videos are usually to pay homage or mainly to “mock” another form of media. In this case, Eminem’s “Without me”  does that by putting a comical twist on the music video, paying it’s respects to the Batman and Robin television series, (also a use of intertextuality as it makes references). The comical colour schemes (as aforementioned) give off a jokey tone and colourful vibe that makes the audience feel at ease. Many common techniques are found in the making of this music video, as aforementioned the use of the technique “intertextuality” is to  make a reference to another media text and this music video does have, references in the form of the video’s use of “Mis-En-Scene” which is the inclusion of the batmobile, and the signature costumes both belonging to Batman and Robin. (See Image one)

Furthermore, in terms of angles used in this music video, there are an array of angles that range from mid shots that goes to far shots that mainly express how the characters in the music video is. The use of a low angle is to show the power the character has over others whereas, if a more high angle was used, then it’s to emphasise either how small the character is or feels in the world.

Through the use of colours there are comical yellows that connote joy, innocence and there are blacks to show the darkness, stealth and mystery. The red in the music video is to connote how rich someone is, romance, also loyalty (in this case the way Robin is to Batman).

In conclusion, Eminem has proven that his music has covered many different aspects of music and has shown that through the use of his Music videos. Such as Narrative, Interpretive and also having an allusion whilst all sticking into the “pop” genre as his music does seem popular for all sorts of audiences.

(My video)

Looking for adverts for the following topics: Gadgets:  Samsung Galaxy S10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbQZ0Mrpp80 Sonic (Sega ...